The collections/vendors page can be a massive security risk for your Shopify store

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I recently discovered an unused URL on a client’s Shopify store: /collections/vendors, which can be a huge security issue. This URL path exists on every Shopify website, takes a query string parameter (?q=), and allows content, such as titles and page details, to be overwritten.

This URL is supposed to be a “feature” of Shopify and allows you to create customised pages for partners and vendors. But, for a link hacker, it is an opportunity to fill up Google with harmful content under your website:

Here’s how it works:

  1. Hackers create links to your collections/vendor pages on another website.
  2. Google picks up these links.
  3. Google eventually indexes and displays these links.

How to stop this

If you are not using /collections/vendors, you should block it from your site:

See if your site displays something bad on /collections/vendors. To check this out, go to

If you see that query string text on the page or in the source, then you need to do the following:

Add redirects

In the Shopify Admin, go to Online Store > Navigation and then use the View URL Redirects link at the top of the page. Redirect /collections/vendors to /404.

Add robots meta tag

Edit your theme.liquid file. Add the following in the <head> section: 

{%- if request.path == '/collections/vendors' -%}
<meta name="robots" content="noindex">
{%- endif -%}

Create a robots.txt

Optionally, create a custom robots.txt file and add the following code to tell search engines to ignore all /collections/vendors pages. This can be a bit tricky to add, so best to get your Web Developer to do this, as it can have a disastrous effect if done wrong.

{%- if group.user_agent.value == '*' -%}
  {{ 'Disallow: /collections/vendors*' }}
{%- endif -%}

Protect your templates

Consider editing your collections.liquid and theme.liquid to protect the <title> element of the page and the page’s body content (typically anywhere where collection.title is used in the code).

Check to see if your website has already been a target

Search Google for “” (minus quotes). If it returns a lot of bad URLs, the steps outlined above should help. You can also log into the Google Search Console and request the immediate removal of all links that begin with

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